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I never thought i will ever create a blog like this. Inspiration for creating such a blog was from my hubby. He is a safety engineer by profession  and the thing is last year he had a craze of having something creative in his profession. Initially he made some safety related videos and posted in youtube. But that dint clicked much. Then myself, just told why cant you make a website or blog.Then he insisted me to create one for him. I never expected that, if so i wouldn't have suggested such a stupid idea. About my husband, he is having such a confidence in me, i think after marriage i have become more strong and confident. He supports me a lot. Though i have an IT background, i am a big zero in that. But slowly slowly somehow i got interested and created a blog for him.  Finally a blog called HSE Tech Solution was developed.You all wont believe now this blog has got more than 1.8k followers in its Facebook page. And this inspired me to develop my "JhillMill".
 Although, there is nothing special about this blog i have started loving this.I had a habit of writing dairy in my childhood. and when i got older, moreover when life got complicated somewhere my habit got stuck. But may be that habit have a role in adding a page called "Heart n Brain" in my blog. When my mood swings( happy or depressed) i like to write something.May be thats the time i want to scribble something or other. Even though my writings are not interesting, i may improve or not but i love to write.
About "Paint n Brush", After marriage i moved to Qatar. As every housewives says i was enjoying my married life  but  somewhere i got bored when my hubby goes to office, i would sit idle.  I simply bought some acrylic paint( first time i was hearing such paints name)and also some glass paints and started painting.  And after four to five painting i came to know that i have interest and i have got some talent in this area. In my 12th std , i made my biology and physics records done by friends. Till the age of 23, i never knew that i can paint or draw.
Along with painting, i have little interest in crafts making. That you can see in my page "Arty Crafty"
And also there is another passion, ie, Cooking..As every girl till marriage, i have never seen kitchen..but the things have changed..At first cooking was a necessity..then became an its passion..happiness and what not....So... that you all can see in "Kitchen n Me"..
That all about my "JhillMill". 

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